2023 WorkSafeBC Student Safety Video Contest

WorkSafeBC has officially launched the 2023 WorkSafeBC Student Safety Video Contest
There is $10,000 in prize money up for grabs, to be shared by students and their youth organizations/schools.
The contest is now open and we invite youth to submit their entries any time between now and the April 4, 2023 deadline.
Here are some important points about this year’s contest:
- The contest website, including full details, rules, and the contest entry form is at www.worksafebc.com/studentvideocontest
- The theme of this year’s contest, My job, my right to participate, is focused on how young workers can participate in health and safety in the workplace and why it’s important for them to get involved. Their input matters and it can make a difference!
- Contest is open to students in grades 8-12
- There are four $2,500 cash prizes to be shared by the students and their youth organization/teacher sponsors
- Prizes are funded by contest sponsors Actsafe, London Drugs, and Seaspan
- There are two categories for entries: grade 8-10 and grade 11-12
- Entries can be live action, documentary-style, animation, stop motion…whatever creative style your students can imagine!
- Entries are to be submitted by the youth organization sponsor or by their teacher
- Contest deadline is 5 pm, Tuesday, April 4, 2023